The amount of information created on numerous platforms, on a daily-basis is endless, and to such an extent that it can often lead to content overload for a user. In this vast world, the overwhelming nature of information can make it difficult to determine what is fake and what is real. And thus, in this hyper-information phase, unverifiable information often prevails and propagates.

To catch up in the race between speed and accuracy, Chambal Academy has come up with a Media Masterclass. This comprehensive guide is designed to empower individuals with the essential skills of media literacy and the insights needed to navigate the landscape of fake news.

Drawing from Khabar Lahariya’s experience in rural reporting and incorporating examples from mainstream media, the module draws insights from both rural and urban perspectives. By bridging these diverse and unique contexts, it aims to provide an inclusive and comprehensive learning experience to develop media literacy skills.

Thus, it lays emphasis on dissection, discussion and dialogue when coming across any piece of information.

Key Features

Online bilingual content, to ensure accessibility for a wider audience
Promotes interactive and self-paced learning, allowing flexibility and personalized learning experience.
Draws insights from real time and relevant examples, from rural and urban contexts, to provide a holistic understanding of media literacy.
Hybrid-learning experience and offline workshop (on request, for 15-20 participants), to reinforce key concepts and facilitate peer learning

Who is it for?

The Media Masterclass is designed for individuals of all backgrounds who wish to navigate the complexities of the digital information landscape. Whether you're a student, educator, journalist, activist, or concerned citizen, this module equips you with the essential skills and knowledge needed to critically evaluate media content and combat the spread of misinformation.

How can it be used?

  • As a resource for teaching media literacy in classrooms, workshops, or online courses.
  • As part of professional development programs for journalists, communicators, and media professionals.
  • As a tool to foster dialogue to promote media literacy within communities.
  • As a tool to inform policymakers, stakeholders, and the public about the need for proactive measures to address misinformation.

Chapter Overview

Chapter 1: Media & Information Masterclass: The First Steps

Chapter 2: News & Media Literacy

Chapter 3: Fake News & Its Impact

Chapter 4: How to Fact Check

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